It’s the bank HOLIDAY weekend…

  With the bank holiday fast-approaching the thought of that daring DIY project (which you’ve been putting off the entire year, no doubt) has probably crossed your mind. But before you get stuck in at home with the hammer and ladder, you’d be best advised to take a moment to think through the planning, products and precautions of your DIY project. Plan ahead – this is one of the most important point…s in DIY; check you have the necessary tools and equipment and – obvious as it may seem, you’ll know what you’re doing before you start.

• Buying products – generally a more expensive product will nearly always last longer than a cheaper one. You’ll get what you pay for.

• Read instructions and warnings – there’s a reason why they come with the tools and equipment so make sure you thoroughly understand what they’re saying especially if you’re using them for the first time.

• Time it – things usually take longer than you expect so make sure you have enough time to finish the job. Bear in mind that only doing half a job will look worse than not doing it at all.

• Ladders – these are a major cause for accidents so replace old rickety ones. Also make sure the feet of the ladder are on a secure and level surface, rest the top on something solid and position the foot of the ladder one measure out for every four measures in height. Finally move the ladder rather than over-reach.

• Drilling holes – double-check there are no pipes or cables nearby.

• Tidy up – put tools away as you go along this will give you a safe area to work in and you’ll be able to find things easier – plus less cleaning to do at the end.



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