Whatever your reason for selling, any property you place on the market should be ready to capture the attention of prospective buyers.


As a nation we tend to be completely obsessed with property. Endless TV shows from how to DIY or completely restore, homes to buy abroad and in the country, sell for more and advice for landlords etc…all follow the highs and lows of the property market. So why when it comes to selling our own homes, do the majority of us decide, almost on the spur of the moment, to ‘stick it on the market and see what happens’?


For most, our homes are our biggest asset. An investment that should under the right circumstances provide a good return. The ‘see what happens’ attitude seems at odds with our interest in making money from property, especially when few would sell a car without giving it a quick wash and vacuum first!


Preparing your home for sale is an effective marketing tool. Similar to launching any product, careful planning and knowing what action to take, can result in a faster and more profitable sale. Encouraging someone to connect with your product (home), getting them to imagine how it will suit their family and benefit their lifestyle is not just a simple case of luck; it’s about creating the irresistible urge to buy!


There are lots of tips I could give to prepare for a successful sale but many will be down to individual room definitions and property layouts. So, here is the first of 6 basic top tips to get you started and if you need any more ….. Call me 020 8458 8555!


1. Pets – Some people love them, some people hate them and some people are allergic to them. If you have a pet(s) consider re-homing them, just for the day (or viewings), or even (and I realise this is a big ask) for the few weeks your property is up for sale. I have a dog, a small one but seeing the look on people’s faces when they come face to face with him and are least expecting it would make you realise that if it happened to your viewers, one of two things would occur … 1. The soppy dog lovers would pay more attention to your dog (or cat) and focus less attention on your gorgeous home 2. The dog (or cat) haters would feel uncomfortable, terrified even, completely on their guard and rush round your property leaving as soon as they could. There is a third of course….those with allergies. If you have a buyer that is allergic to animals, a nasty coughing or sneezing bout reaction will most likely put paid to a quick and profitable sale. Remove all pet bowls, dog baskets and (especially) litter trays. And don’t forget to open the windows (before they come round) to get rid of any lingering smells


Show Sold STC
Show Let Agreed